Sunday 15 September 2013

Velichenna Kaachiyathu - Coconut oil specially treated for healthy hair

Long long ago in Kerala, mothers used to boil coconut oil with special herbs and leaves. This treated oil was then massaged and applied lovingly on the scalps of little girls and boys, with the belief that this special oil would help hair grow long, thick and dark. Here I have explained the method for making kachiya velichenna, as it is locally called in Malayalam.

Heat 1/2 kg coconut oil, and add:
  • 20 - 30 Tulsi (Holy Basil) leaves
  • 2 - 3  Kattarvazha (Aloe Vera) pieces, large
  • 8 - 10 Mailanchi (Henna) leaves
  • 20 - 25 Chembarathi (Hibiscus) leaves
  • 2 - 3 Chembarathi  (Hibiscus) flowers
  • 10 - 20 Kurumulaku (Black pepper), crushed
  • 20 - 30 Kaiyonni (Bhringraj) leaves
  • 8 - 10 Nellikka (Amla / Gooseberry), crushed
  • 30 - 40 Arya Veppila (Neem leaves)
and boil until the leaves turn light brown in color. Crush 5 - 10 Karpooram (Camphor) balls and put into the bottle. Strain oil and pour into the bottle.

All these ingredients are easily available in our house. Kaiyunni, arya veppila, mailanchi, tulsi, and chembarathi grow wild mostly and can be picked up right from the backyards of most houses. Nellikka, kurumulaku and karpooram is also easily available in any local store. The karpooram makes the oil smell divine. We also have a nice kattarvazha plant in our garden, so aloe vera is also available fresh. None of these items are indispensable; nor is the quantity sacrosanct. Every time, we make it at home, the proportions vary; occasionally, I even omit to include some items altogether. The number of leaves is just an indicative number; I often deviate from the quantities, and the oil has turned out just fine. You can also feel free to experiment.

Now for the qualities imparted to the oil....
  • Coconut oil is a wonderful natural way to make your hair and skin soft, radiant and healthy. It acts as a great natural conditioner.
  • Aloe vera is known to work wonders in promoting shine and moisture in hair, and preventing hair loss and dandruff. 
  • Tulsi is a wonder herb which helps to achieve lustrous shiny and healthy hair. 
  • Henna is perhaps the best hair conditioner of all;  it gives the hair body and bounce, promotes hair growth, checks premature graying, combats dandruff and promotes hair growth. 
  • Hibiscus contains mucilage-a slippery plant extract which soothes dry scalp and de-tangles hair too. The petals are a natural hair dye and hair strengthening agent which prevents strands from breaking. 
  • I'm not very sure about this, but black pepper is mentioned online as a viable method of making hair black. However, adding pepper to velichenna is a tradition with ages of experience behind it, right? So I'll just go along even without scientific proof, I think. 
  • Regarding Kaiyonni, the herb has protective features against dandruff and pre-mature hair graying. It also has a beneficial cooling effect on the head and eyes. 
  • Amla helps to preserve the natural, youthful hair color, and minimizes hair loss. It has the ability to penetrate scalp and strengthen hair at the root and helps prevent gray hair. 
  • The anti-septic and anti-bacterial properties of Neem help in getting rid of dandruff keeping your scalp healthy and help in stimulating hair growth. It is also used as a natural conditioner for dry and fizzy hair.
  • Coconut oil in which camphor has been dissolved is useful for treating itchy hair. This is useful against dandruff as well. It also gives the oil a gentle fragrance.

All these factors aside, the very act of making this oil and massaging my daughter's hair with it gives me joy beyond compare. I hope it also shows my daughter how much I love her. The massage hour is a very pleasant one too, with lots of stories, real and imaginary, passed between mother and daughter.

Note: This blog provides general information only. The content provided in this blog, and in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice. For any specific medical issues, please contact a qualified professional.

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  1. Hi Varsha,

    It is really very nice oil recipe, I would like to know:
    1) is the oil effective in treating baldness?;
    2) If we are adding aloe vera water contain in oil will be present and oil will smell after few days, can you please let us know self live of given hair oil;
    3) how much long we have to heat the oil;
    4) can we use camphor used in pooja.


  2. Hi

    Glad to hear you liked it! Regarding your doubts,

    1. All the ingredients used are well known to enhance hair growth and texture. This oil should ideally be applied regularly as a preventive measure, and not for treating any particular hair problem. If baldness is a serious concern, I would recommend visiting a qualified professional for the issue.

    2. I would not recommend adding aloe vera water for two reasons - firstly, adding so much water content to this preparation is more likely to degrade the overall quality of the oil and secondly, I would not blindly trust the quality of such packaged material. I would suggest that you try to obtain fresh aloe vera leaves (/stem) and use them in your preparation for best results. However, if any ingredient is not available fresh, I usually just go ahead and make the oil without it. It is still good enough without one or two items. Also, in my opinion, this oil should ideally be used up within two months of preparation.

    3. The heating of the oil is not a very long process. Add all ingredients to the oil well in advance and make sure the oil boils well with all ingredients in it UNTIL THE LEAVES TURN SLIGHTLY CRISP (LIGHT BROWN IN COLOR). The oil should not smoke under any circumstance. Stay right next to the pan!

    4. The camphor to be used in this preparation is Raw Camphor or Pachakarpooram - the variety used in the kitchen. However, I had used the pooja variety initially - at a time when I did not know the difference. And well, there was no harm done! However, to reap the full benefit of this ingredient, go for raw camphor.

    The general idea is that all these ingredients are so potent, even including just one in your hair oil is bound to help. CAUTION: Please don't go overboard and add too much of anything. Just add all the items which are available fresh - in moderation - and you have prepared an excellent hair oil which is much more effective than any of the store-bought ones.

    Thanks for writing in!

  3. Hi,

    Finally, I have made 1litre of oil in iron kadai, but it has taken lot of time 1 hours in slow flame and 1/2 hrs in medium to high flame to mix the ingredient in the oil. I have to increase the fire as i was not able to see oil separate from the ingredient and leaves was not getting crisp.
    I want to store the oil for long time say six months to year what i have to do?
    Also you have mention to add raw camphor 5-10 balls, can you clarify the same in grams for 500ml oil.
    Can I add ready made perfumed oil to it.


    1. Oops! One hour is too much! I usually take only half litre oil or even lesser. I hope you noticed that the quantity mentioned in the list above is 1/2 (half) litre of oil. And the whole process takes about 15-20 mins only!

      You can work with a high flame. Once the oil is heated, add the ingredients and let it boil well. You could also slightly crush the leaves to let the oil easily absorb the nutrients. Keep it on medium flame (not low flame) till the frothy bubbles settle down a little and/or the leaves turn crisp.

      The oil is best used up within two months, so please try to make only what is needed for 2 months' use. Of course, this will depend on how many people are using it and how regularly.

      Since you must store it for six months, I would suggest dividing up the oil in half or in lesser quantities and storing each separately in airtight glass bottles. But please try to limit the storage duration as far as possible. I am not certain regarding its efficacy for such long periods. It might go bad, since there aren't any preservatives included.

      I have not used the gram measure for camphor :) Please use a half teaspoon of camphor (powdered) per half litre oil.

      Using camphor gives a distinct perfumed effect to the whole preparation. The whole idea behind preparing this oil is to avoid using artificial ingredients.

      If you still wish to add perfumed oil, please ensure that it is a natural oil and as authentic as possible; strictly avoid all chemical additives. Also keep in mind that such oils are generally highly concentrated, so you may be able to use only one or two drops for the entire 1 litre of oil.

      Personally, I have not used perfumed oils ever, and am not aware of any such oils being used in the traditional velichenna preparation.

      This oil will be slightly thicker than regular coconut oil, and lightly colored too. It is excellent for massaging onto the scalp and hair (Warm oil massage). Keep it on for an hour or so and then wash off well with a mild shampoo. You may need to shampoo more than once (if too much oily) depending on the texture of your hair.

      Hope this helps...

  4. Hi,

    I have got this hair oil formulation while searching, found it interesting and want to share it with you. Please go through the same and let us know is it really helpful in growing new hair.

    The unique hair oil formulation for regrowing your hair

    Promote hair growth,Stops hair fall, graying and thinning by using the new oil formulation.
    The unique formulation of certain herbs is very efficient in checking hair loss, thinning and helps the hair shaft to regrow.It is just that we have to use the oil regularly so it would provide food to the damaged and devitalized hair .The use of this herbal oil would conditions the scalp by improving the blood circulation to the follicles.It also prevents premature graying, and act as a revitalizing agent and provide luster and repair the strands of hair and split ends. It helps in Alopecia and promotes hair growth.
    All the herbs which are mentioned below are grounded into powder or paste , which are boiled with the oil(you may use sesame ,coconut olive or Castor oil as the base oil as all these oils have antioxidant properties in them thus proves to be the most efficient base)

    The ingredients:---

    Amala , Bhringraj, haritaki fruit,manjitha root , yashtimadhu or licorice root , grass, neem and tulsi powder bamboo powder ,Brahmi(improves memory) and jabakusum flower(hibiscus) or its leaves and henna are the ingredients that are to be mixed with the oil. It will give colour to your hair and condition them too .

    The herbs are take in equal amount 10 gram each and added to 250 gram of oil and 100 gram water ,it is placed on the stove and boiled until all the water evaporates, oil is then cooled and strained and stored in a bottle for regular use.

    Properties of the above said herbs:---

    Amala and bringraj:-Nourishes the roots of the hair and scalp. It colours gray hair and also helps to control balding.They increase the blood circulation and provide nourishment to the hair strengthening the hair roots to promote healthy hair growth.

    Haritaki fruit:-It soothes our mind and provides relaxation to our nerves.It release tension and provides relaxation from stress.

    Manjishtha root:-- .Manjishtha is wonderful blood-purifier.It cools and detoxifies the blood it arrests hemorrhage, dissolves obstructions caused in blood flow and removes stagnant blood clots.

    Yashtimadhu or licorice root, grass, neem and tulsi powder all helps to fight infection or any kind of fungal or bacterial attack on the scalp.The yashtimadhu or licorice root cools the brain and gives a sweet fragrance to the oil.

    Jabakusum(hibiscus) leaves and flowers(shoe flower) provides colour to our hair and nourishes our root with required food.

    Bamboo powder contains silica which give strength to the hair shafts and also helps hair to grow ,it nourishes the roots of the hair and increases the blood circulation of the head ,it also colors gray hair and helps to control balding .

    How to use the herbal oil
    It could be applied two hours before you wash your hair or keep it overnight. Rub the oil gently with your finger tips into the roots of your hair and tie a muslin cloth over your head, if you are applying it overnight. It could be used daily kept after hair wash if you do not feel sticky.

    Note:-After a long work and testing of this formulation I have come to this conclusion that it is really working ,but please check other health condition which are causing problems with your hair ,then only will this oil work ,the problems may be related to your metabolism,and your being hygienic regarding your hair care such as dandruff care .

    If you cannot get all the herbs mentioned in this article you may get as many as you can and make the oil ,it will give you benefit to some extent .You may google search the names of the herbs in your own language .

    1. Thank you for the detailed description. Hope this helps our visitors!

  5. oil use cheythaal mudi kozhichil marumo...kashandiye pedikandallo alle... :) ?????

    1. Hair fall can be due to many reasons - hormonal changes, environmental changes, climate changes, change in water (hard water) being used to wash hair... All of these can adversely affect the normal hair fall rate. Stress is another common reason.

      I would suggest the following:
      1. Handle hair carefully and gently to avoid damage and reduce hairfall
      2. Limit usage of hair dryers, curlers etc... Always use a heat protectant before using these
      3. Avoid chemical treatments as far as possible
      4. Recent research suggests that it is good NOT to wash your hair every day to avoid loss of natural oils in the hair - To all Keralites, this is most likely unimaginable ;)

      As far as "kashandi" is concerned, balding is more or less hereditary. Of course use of certain hair products has also often led to sudden and drastic balding. As before, proper and regular gentle care for your hair is the best solution. Avoid using chemicals such as creams/gels as far as possible.

      Lastly, in my opinion, all hair is beautiful - long, short, thin, thick, dark, blonde, straight, curly... all of them have their own charm. Be confident with your hair- treat it gently with care, but do not obsess over it either.

      Your hair is just a beautiful god-given accessory. Enjoy it - whatever its condition. Your best friends are not going to disown you just because you lost 300 more strands today than yesterday. YOU are so much more than your hair. Keep a positive outlook. Be beautiful!

  6. hi Varsha
    thanks for sharing this knowledge
    i was really searching for ' kachiya enna' recipe
    can we add
    aavanakkenna also?

    1. The velichenna preparation as listed above is an age old recipe and under normal circumstances is very safe and effective for everybody. Adding avanakenna might change the chemical balance.

      Avanakenna is a very potent oil that's used on eyelashes and eyebrows to enhance the hair growth. It would presumably be equally potent on the scalp.

      I'd be very wary of adding avanakenna during the boiling stages of this preparation. All the ingredients are used in their raw form and I'm not certain how castor oil would influence the effect of these herbs. Perhaps you might try adding it at the very end of the process.

      Ideally I would recommend that you use avanakenna by itself on other days. Let's say, you use kaachiya velichenna on Tuesdays and Fridays, then use avanakenna by itself on Sundays. Whatever suits your lifestyle ☺

  7. Hi, Varsha
    Does your Velichenna Kaachiyathu prevent hair fall also?
    I had hair fall and i brought ayurvedic oil (kayyunyadi keram) and used that for the last one and a half months.I myself feel a change in falling of hairs but after finishing one bottle i go in for normal coconut oil but now I experience excess hair fall in the last 1 to two weeks . I am afraid to buy that particular oil now as i am confused whether i should use that oil life long . ( practially thinking if they stop that production i will be in trouble ) . Do you have any preferable advice for me . Is your Velichenna Kaachiyathu wil cure my probs ?

    1. This preparation is not, I repeat, not a substitute for medical attention. If you feel the need for any medical interventions, I suggest contacting a qualified professional.

      That I said, I try to change my hair oils occasionally, just to make sure that I don't get too used to just one type of oil.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Please contact a qualified professional for medical advice. This preparation is not intended as a substitute for medicine...

    That aside, if kayyunyadi keram helped you, it would be helpful f you prepare this oil with a greater proportion of kayyunni leaves...

    Sorry about the long delay in replying...

  9. Hi Varsha,
    Thank you very much for sharing this...but, I have a doubt that we do not use camphor...What is the rationale behind using the camphor except for smell...

    Ponnambily Jobin

    1. It is supposed to be useful for itchy scalp, but I use it more for the lovely fragrance...

  10. I stay in hostel, so i cant prepare most of it.. I use pacha karpooram with bringa oil.. Is it good if i continue because many suggested to use pooja camphor and not edible camphor for hairs..

    1. Like I have mentioned earlier, I used to use Pooja karpooram, then I found out it is supposed to be pacha karpooram. Actually both of these have given me good results.

  11. Hi Varsha,

    I have premature grey hair. Would this oil help in reducing the greying of hair. Also would it help in the existing grey hair in any way.


    1. Each person has a unique chemistry - for the body as well as for the hair follicles. So no guarantee of success, sorry :(

      This oil contains ingredients that help avoid premature greying like amla, henna... so it should definitely be helpful in reducing further graying of hair.

      However, if it is serious health concern, please visit a qualified medical practitioner. You might require more potent medications.

  12. henna leaves and bringraj leaves are not available here... could i make kachiya yenna without these two?

    1. Of course, you'd still get the benefit of the remaining ingredients! Warm the oil slightly before applying to your scalp.

  13. do you know who sells authentic pure quality coconut oil that was once used for babies and i assume the same can be used for a grown persons hair?
    it was boiled in a vengalam from pure quality coconuts (with good tasting water inside ) then oil comes out .....but can you tell me the difference between Vendha Velichenna and Urukku Velichenna or are they same?

    1. Sorry to say I cannot authoritatively name any brand :) I suppose if you could find a mill, where coconut oil is freshly extracted, you'd get relatively pure oil.

      Reg the two types of oils mentioned by you, I'm not fully sure either. Sorry :)

  14. Hello chechi nanippol keralathinu purathanu... Ivide vannathinu shesham ente mudikozhiyan thudangi. Ee Enna kachiyathu thechaaal heir loss kurayumo.... Atho vere valla cheruvayum add cheyyendathundo.. marupadi pratheekshikkunnu.. snehathode aniyan..

    1. You could try making this oil from home and carrying it with you. But hair loss is probably more due to the change in the chemical composition of the water being used. In some places, they have hard water...

      If that's the case, then changing oil can only help so far. But rest assured, you can safely use this preparation without any side effects.

      I too faced this problem once and really nothing helped. After about 6 or 7 months, the hair fall reduced gradually. I think my scalp got used to the water eventually.

  15. Thank u varsha.. oru cheriya doubt undu, enna kooduthal moothu poyal kanninu kedanennu kelkkunnu, is it true?

    1. I'm not sure about what that'll do to your eyes. I've heard this too, but there's no proof... so I cannot confirm.
      I do know that the oil will easily go bad if that happens. Just keep a watchful eye during the boiling stages to avoid this. :)

  16. hi varsha
    can i add castor oil in this. like 250grams coconut oil & 250grams castor oil, as they say castor oil gives thickness to hair. plz reply...

  17. Hi,is it good for newborn babies??

  18. Hi,is it good for newborn babies??

  19. Can I use this oil for my 7 years old boys! I want their hair to be healthy and thick from now.

  20. Hi..nice informative post
    Thank you and keep sharing.
    Foods For Healthy Hair

  21. Coconut oil is very good for hair. Kerala people have thick hair as they use coconut oil every day in food and hair external.

  22. Ayurvedic hair oils are very good. They have natural ingredients and so results would be fruitful. Choosing right Oil For Hair Fall Control is a wise decision.
